Saturday, August 1, 2015


Pisa was supper awesome and very pretty. The walk from the train station to the meaning tower of Pisa was very pretty with all of the old buildings and streets. It was amazing to see the tower in person. It was awesome to see just how much the tower was leaning and then to be able to go inside! It was very difficult to climb the stairs because as you were going up you could feel the angle of the tilt in the stairs. Plus each stair was used so many times that there are now smoothed out dips in each step. This made it really hard to go down the stairs as well. It was really cool to see how as you walked up the stairs the place of the dip changes as well.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was fun how you feel like you are walking straight on the steps but the lean of the tower would pull you to either side of the stairs. It was a very strange feeling.
