Saturday, August 1, 2015

Leaning Tower of Pisa

On July 31, our group went to Pisa and visited the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Even though I've learned a lot about it, I still couldn't believe that it was actually leaning. When going up in the tower, I never imagined how difficult it would be to walk up the 257 steps, as they're at different angles. The steps also had indentations in them where everyone has walked up and down them over the years. My favorite part was seeing everyone take pictures with the Leaning Tower as if they were holding it up or as if theh were pushing it down.


  1. It was super crazy to see the tower ACTUALLY leaning in person, even though I've saw pictures. I also found the facts from your presentation neat, like how they made the pillars on one side taller to try and straighten it out.

  2. It is sometimes strange to think that soil conditions can have that big of an impact on a structure. But seeing the severity of even a small degree of leaning really stressed the importance of good design and proper foundations, as well as thinking outside the box to correct it.

  3. Kerrigan I really enjoyed hearing about the entire building process of the Tower in you presentation. And I never knew it took about 200 years to build!
